Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jump Start Phonics

"Jump Start Phonics" is an audio-visual software geared towards early and middle childhood. It relates to the sound of speech. Upon entering the software, one is greeted by the words "Discover, Learn and Excel," as if to signify its objectives. The software is suitable to children because it uses animations of animal characters, in its intuitive attempt to educate and reinforce this aspect of language called, Phonics. Its bright, attractive colours are also alluring to children. The animations also appeal to children through their singing and talking. There are three locations for activities to be participated in: a barn; a fire house and a train station. Each location is suited with a different activity, from identifying rhyming words to identifying upper and lower case letters and their positions in words. This gives the children opportunities for choice of learning. If they are not able to participate fully in one location, they have the option of learning at other locations. The software is relevant to children by its simple instructions which are repeated when the child is hesitant to answer. An answer is noted whenever the child performs the task required. Also, the child may be prompted in answering. This shows its usefulness in relation to children, for they need constant reinforcement and prompting. Jump Start Phonics acknowledges whether or not a response made is correct or incorrect. It gives liable feedback on answers. It allows the user to use the mouse and the navigation keys on the keypad. This shows the relevance and use of both hardware devices. It is a directed approach to children in which it employs "drill and practice." Overall, the software is indeed relevant and applicable to learning Phonics. It is suitable to children through its animated appeal and reinforcements. Its usefulness is easily recognizable because of its characteristics. Any child can learn from this software because of its uncomplicated instructions and properly layed out, interactive activities. Follow the links below to access the software's website and the other links for more phonics information:


  1. Well! I think this is great, now I know which link to use and get valuable reinforcement material and other ideas to make learning fun. will click on the link in a while, to check it out. As you know phonics is in high demand, lets hope that the phonics are not done in isloataion.

  2. Shirley, unfortunately it is. It is not done in proper sentences, therefore, use of phonics in sentences is not applicable here. It focuses on phonics in words with the use of visual aids. Hope this helps you... :)

  3. phonics are fun and i think children will have fun while learning with this software

  4. It think this is a great software because it uses animations of animals which children love and enjoys

  5. I love the use of animations in this software.

  6. The software appears to be very simplistic and exciting.
